perjantai 21. huhtikuuta 2017

The Showroom 18.4

We had Showroom event on tuesday 18.4 where we got to introduce our project with Ursuk to the jury. The event itself was very nice and all Capstone 2017 groups were there to introduce their projects so atmosphere was very inspiring and we also get to familiarizes ourselves with what others have accomplish with their projects.

After the Showroom event we made evaluation of our group and of each member in it. We also needed to evaluate our PO.


perjantai 7. huhtikuuta 2017

Outcome of the week 14

The marketing group started to work with cost analysis of the after sales marketing plan. PO was especially interested in costs of website changes and video editing. We contacted media students of Turku University of Applied Sciences and asked if they would be interested to do video editing for Ursuk. We also contacted the company called The Firma which is run by IT students, and asked if they could help Ursuk with the websites and if so, how much it would approximately cost. We are waiting for the answers and continue the cost analysis based on those. If we still haven't heard anything about The Firma next week, we will go to visit their office and see if we can get answers there.

PO meeting 28.3

We had a meeting with our PO on Tuesday 28.3. Marketing group presented the new part of the after sales marketing plan which included a social media campaign and how to inform retailers about the new tracking system innovation. Marketing manager was happy with our work and he was very interested about the idea of creating a viral video about the tracking system and some their other products as well. Our next job is to contact some media students from our school who could help Ursuk Oy by editing some videos for them. The other thing we need to do is to make some sort of cost analysis to the after sales marketing plan. Our PO would like to know approximately how much time and money it would cost them to make the needed changes that we have suggested in our after sales marketing plan.

perjantai 24. maaliskuuta 2017

Outcome of the week 12

The marketing group finished the after sales marketing plan with new Campaign update. We created a campaign on social media that Ursuk Oy could use to inform their customers about the new tracking system innovation. We send the updated version of the after sales marketing plan to marketing manager so that he has time to read it before our next PO meeting. After finishing the after sales marketing plan we started to prepare ourselves to the meeting as well which is on 28.3.

Technical group has planned production execution and the way which would be best for Ursuk. We will be asking Ursuk's opinion about the plan and some details in meeting.

perjantai 17. maaliskuuta 2017

PO-meeting Friday 3.3.2017

We had PO-meeting where we discussed about the current situation of the project.

Marketing manager was happy with our plan and he gave us a new task about marketing campaign. Now we need to plan a campaign to help Ursuk reach existing customers. We are going to execute this throughout social media, retailers, e-mails etc.

Another team got a mission concerned with adhesives and how to test them easily as possible without using mechanical testing devices. Now we are searching for information and we also contacted Kiilto oy, which is one of the  biggest adhesives producer in Finland. Next week we are going to our school lab to test a couple of samples.

You can read articles related to our task here:  Ultrasonic testing    Easy mechanical testing

maanantai 13. helmikuuta 2017

The main outcome of week 6

The main outcome of week 6 was the meeting with our PO and NordicId at Ursuk. After presentations and discussion we need to do some small changes to our after sales marketing plan and tracking system plan.

In our after sales marketing plan we need to concentrate more on our existing customers instead of getting new customers. Some small changes need to be made to the marketing messages that we had planned for the company. We also need to have a new meeting with Ursuk to test try the marketing message with their computers and systems.

What comes to the technical part, we are going to get some equipment's from NordicId and we planned to do small scale test on the product line. We thought that it may be easy to do the small scale but combining it to with Ursuk's systems may probably cause some stress.

We are also planning poster which is needed at the final show. We are waiting material from Ursuk and researching what program would be best for us to create A0 size poster.

maanantai 6. helmikuuta 2017

The main outcome of the week 5

The main outcome of the week was to finish our after sales marketing plan and tracking system plan. After finishing both plans we started to prepare for our meeting with the PO.

The PO meeting is today 7.2 at Ursuk where we are going to present our plans with the help of NordicID.

tiistai 24. tammikuuta 2017

The main outcome of the week 4

Jutta, Anni and Noora has been doing the After sales marketing plan in its official from. We have been working with the plan every Tuesday and Friday. The deadline for the plan is on 31st January. On 7th February the whole group has a meeting with Ursuk Oy where the after sales marketing plan is also presented. After the feedback from the Ursuk we will make the needed changes.

The current SWOT. Possible changes are still to be made.

The other half of the team, Kimmo, Eemeli, Pasi, Perttu and Henri, have made plan about production execution. It contains techinal aspect about tracking system. How the production is going to be done, how the suits are going to be tracked and how this affect to final customer. We have same deadline as above and going to participate in the same meeting. Let see what Ursuk says.

Heikki has been organizing meetings and projects between nordic id and ursuk.

maanantai 16. tammikuuta 2017

Sprint plan

Our plan is to have almost ready plan in its final form until 31.1. We have the next PO-meeting in 7.2 were we will be presented our plans to the PO and make possible changes.

Anni, Noora and Jutta are making the after sales marketing plan and Perttu, Kimmo, Henri, Eemeli, Pasi and Heikki are making the tracking system plan.