tiistai 24. tammikuuta 2017

The main outcome of the week 4

Jutta, Anni and Noora has been doing the After sales marketing plan in its official from. We have been working with the plan every Tuesday and Friday. The deadline for the plan is on 31st January. On 7th February the whole group has a meeting with Ursuk Oy where the after sales marketing plan is also presented. After the feedback from the Ursuk we will make the needed changes.

The current SWOT. Possible changes are still to be made.

The other half of the team, Kimmo, Eemeli, Pasi, Perttu and Henri, have made plan about production execution. It contains techinal aspect about tracking system. How the production is going to be done, how the suits are going to be tracked and how this affect to final customer. We have same deadline as above and going to participate in the same meeting. Let see what Ursuk says.

Heikki has been organizing meetings and projects between nordic id and ursuk.

maanantai 16. tammikuuta 2017

Sprint plan

Our plan is to have almost ready plan in its final form until 31.1. We have the next PO-meeting in 7.2 were we will be presented our plans to the PO and make possible changes.

Anni, Noora and Jutta are making the after sales marketing plan and Perttu, Kimmo, Henri, Eemeli, Pasi and Heikki are making the tracking system plan.