maanantai 13. helmikuuta 2017

The main outcome of week 6

The main outcome of week 6 was the meeting with our PO and NordicId at Ursuk. After presentations and discussion we need to do some small changes to our after sales marketing plan and tracking system plan.

In our after sales marketing plan we need to concentrate more on our existing customers instead of getting new customers. Some small changes need to be made to the marketing messages that we had planned for the company. We also need to have a new meeting with Ursuk to test try the marketing message with their computers and systems.

What comes to the technical part, we are going to get some equipment's from NordicId and we planned to do small scale test on the product line. We thought that it may be easy to do the small scale but combining it to with Ursuk's systems may probably cause some stress.

We are also planning poster which is needed at the final show. We are waiting material from Ursuk and researching what program would be best for us to create A0 size poster.

maanantai 6. helmikuuta 2017

The main outcome of the week 5

The main outcome of the week was to finish our after sales marketing plan and tracking system plan. After finishing both plans we started to prepare for our meeting with the PO.

The PO meeting is today 7.2 at Ursuk where we are going to present our plans with the help of NordicID.