perjantai 21. huhtikuuta 2017

The Showroom 18.4

We had Showroom event on tuesday 18.4 where we got to introduce our project with Ursuk to the jury. The event itself was very nice and all Capstone 2017 groups were there to introduce their projects so atmosphere was very inspiring and we also get to familiarizes ourselves with what others have accomplish with their projects.

After the Showroom event we made evaluation of our group and of each member in it. We also needed to evaluate our PO.


perjantai 7. huhtikuuta 2017

Outcome of the week 14

The marketing group started to work with cost analysis of the after sales marketing plan. PO was especially interested in costs of website changes and video editing. We contacted media students of Turku University of Applied Sciences and asked if they would be interested to do video editing for Ursuk. We also contacted the company called The Firma which is run by IT students, and asked if they could help Ursuk with the websites and if so, how much it would approximately cost. We are waiting for the answers and continue the cost analysis based on those. If we still haven't heard anything about The Firma next week, we will go to visit their office and see if we can get answers there.

PO meeting 28.3

We had a meeting with our PO on Tuesday 28.3. Marketing group presented the new part of the after sales marketing plan which included a social media campaign and how to inform retailers about the new tracking system innovation. Marketing manager was happy with our work and he was very interested about the idea of creating a viral video about the tracking system and some their other products as well. Our next job is to contact some media students from our school who could help Ursuk Oy by editing some videos for them. The other thing we need to do is to make some sort of cost analysis to the after sales marketing plan. Our PO would like to know approximately how much time and money it would cost them to make the needed changes that we have suggested in our after sales marketing plan.