perjantai 16. joulukuuta 2016

Capstone pitch evaluation

Forum Marinum

Problem or need 4

The problem was very well addressed and detailed, the main purpose of the project is to develop a method capable of attracting more customers to the museum.

Market area 4

Customer area was defined clearly.

Solution 4

Solution was also very well explained, the project group is planning to create 3D-model software to make the history of war ships more interesting for customers.

Oral presentation 3

The presentation was good, body language was peaceful and pictures were clear. The only minus is that performers did run out of time and couldn’t finish the pitch.

Outcome of the project 4

It seems the project group has clear vision and plans about the prototype.

BTJ, closer to the customer

Problem or need 1

The problem wasn’t clearly told like in other presentations, even the jury said that there was some lack of understanding the problem.

Market area 2

The presentation gave an image that the project is targeting customers from different companies.

Solution 2

This was not clearly explained either, but it seems that the project group is planning to create software which makes interact between companies and customers smoother.

Oral presentation 3

Although the problem and the solution were somewhat difficult to understand, the performer talked clearly and loud enough.

Outcome of the project 2

The vision about the prototype seems not to be crystal clear at the moment. Because the problem and solution were fairly confusing for the audience, the outcome of the project was hard to understand.

tiistai 13. joulukuuta 2016

Updated project plan

Our project is to create a tracking system and an aftersales marketing plan for Ursuk. The group is divided in two, first group will do the tracking system and the second group will do the after sales marketing plan. Heikki is our project manager and he will be part of both groups and also in charge of communicating with PO.

Tracking system (Perttu, Kimmo, Eemeli, Pasi, Henri, Katharina)

The goal is for Ursuk and the customer to be able to track their suit/product from the scratch.
The plan is to put tags in each working station and the chip in the suit (the chip will be attached immediately at the first station).
The tags will tell where the chip is going and also give information about the suit. Customer will also know at what stage the suit is and when it will be ready.
This will be done with the help of group members from NordicID.

After sales marketing plan (Anni, Jutta, Noora)

The plan is to get the customer to sign in to a client register so that he can register his suit there. This way after sales marketing is possible and contacting the customer is easy.

How to get the customer to register his suit? -Give him a list of pros:
  • Guarantee information and receipt
  • Suit information
  • Contact information to Ursuk services
  •  Maintenance service
  • Additional sales (oheistuotteet) that suit well with customer’s product

Information paper with the suit. “Did you remember to sign up?” *List of pros here*

After the suit is send to the customer, they will get an automatic message asking if they have been happy with the suit/product. Automatic message (e-mail) will include a survey. Survey can give a valuable information about the client and makes after sales marketing possible in the future. What is the estimated time to send the message?

  • How often do you use the suit?
  • In which activities do you use the suit?
  • In which conditions do you use the suit?
  • Link to maintenance

Next message will be send according to survey results. For example, if the customer is using the suit often for diving, the message will include information about maintenance service and information about additional products that might be useful for the customer.