perjantai 16. joulukuuta 2016

Capstone pitch evaluation

Forum Marinum

Problem or need 4

The problem was very well addressed and detailed, the main purpose of the project is to develop a method capable of attracting more customers to the museum.

Market area 4

Customer area was defined clearly.

Solution 4

Solution was also very well explained, the project group is planning to create 3D-model software to make the history of war ships more interesting for customers.

Oral presentation 3

The presentation was good, body language was peaceful and pictures were clear. The only minus is that performers did run out of time and couldn’t finish the pitch.

Outcome of the project 4

It seems the project group has clear vision and plans about the prototype.

BTJ, closer to the customer

Problem or need 1

The problem wasn’t clearly told like in other presentations, even the jury said that there was some lack of understanding the problem.

Market area 2

The presentation gave an image that the project is targeting customers from different companies.

Solution 2

This was not clearly explained either, but it seems that the project group is planning to create software which makes interact between companies and customers smoother.

Oral presentation 3

Although the problem and the solution were somewhat difficult to understand, the performer talked clearly and loud enough.

Outcome of the project 2

The vision about the prototype seems not to be crystal clear at the moment. Because the problem and solution were fairly confusing for the audience, the outcome of the project was hard to understand.

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