tiistai 29. marraskuuta 2016

Lean Canvas

After sales marketing

The plan is to get the customer to sign in to a client register so that he can register his suit there. This way after sales marketing is possible and contacting the customer is easy.

How to get the customer to register his suit? -Give him a list of pros:
- Guarantee information and receipt
- Suit information
- Contact information to Ursuk services
- Maintenance service
- Additional sales (oheistuotteet) that suit well with customer’s product

Information paper with the suit. “Did you remember to sign up?” *List of pros here*

After the suit is send to the customer, they will get an automatic message asking if they have been happy with the suit/product. Automatic message (e-mail) will include a survey. Survey can give a valuable information about the client and makes after sales marketing possible in the future. What is the estimated time to send the message? 

- How often do you use the suit?
- In which activities do you use the suit?
- In which conditions do you use the suit?
- Link to maintenance
Next message will be send according to survey results. For example, if the customer is using the suit often for diving, the message will include information about maintenance service and information about additional products that might be useful for the customer.


Here is our moodboard for the project in pinterest, check it out!


The ideas that we're trying to develop are:

Chip tracking system for the suits, cooperation with nordic ID

after sales marketing with questionnaire for customers

The reason why we choose those two ideas was that they seem to be at the moment the most realistic ones. For the tracking chip, we have to cooperate with Nordic ID and ask their opinion about the chips and chip vs. qr-code opposition. Another thing that we have to consider is the budget for the chips.

Another idea was after sales marketing where the customer have to register on the Ursuit website. Via website they could get information for the maintenance and repairment of the suits and also additional products. On thing we have to think how to connect the chips and codes to web-based database.

tiistai 22. marraskuuta 2016

Idea tree

Mind map

Secondary research

We decided to do research about user's experience with Ursuit products, mainly with suit. We couldn't find any bad experience. Most results were some kind of forums where people with same spirit shares their thoughts. It was great to see that there where almost no bad experience with products. Only minor issues with side products.

This link which we found was great database for beginners and there are also videos which helps the user to dress up. We still think that Ursuit's own webpage is the best place to find information about the company. But for other peoples opinions it's good to browse some forums and see if it helps.

“Suit up”

Ursuk has developed its products with new technological innovations, which means that today’s suits are increasingly lightweight, comfortable, and durable due to the individual demands of different activities. Functionality of the dry suits is Ursuk’s top priority and this can be seen in the company’s approach to all aspects of the business. Ursuk’s produces tailor-made suits for every need imaginable. The quality of the products always comes first. Ursuk core market is within Europe. Our minimum order is one item, so our business is very much about serving the individual client. Ursuk is developing a new breathable diving suit which would solve dry suit problems.

 “Suits you”

The article “Suits you” explains how the company Ursuk was founded. The business was founded in the mid 1960s by the current manager’s father. The core idea was to produce perfectly functioning suits capable of sustaining extreme conditions in cold water and rough areas. Today Ursuk has three main products: diving dry suits, constant wear immersion suits and sailing dry suits.
The main client base is divided into three categories:

·        Authorities, such as police and firemen
·        Military customers
·        Amateur divers



Ursuit stakeholders

Ideana sidosryhmien tapaamiselle on saada heiltä tietoa pukujen jälleenmyynnistä. Tapaamisen ei tarvitse välttämättä tapahtua fyysisesti, vaan riittää että yhteyttä otetaan puhelinitse haastattelemalla. Asiat joista voidaan keskustella, ovat mm.

-asiakkaiden yhteydenotot jälleenmyyjiin pukuihin liittyen

-mitä parannusehdotuksia asiakkailta on mahdollisesti tullut

-jos mahdollista, olisi hyvä saada kontakti pukujen käyttäjiin

-keskitytään jälkimarkkinointiin sekä pukujen jäljittämiseen sekä rekisteröimiseen

-yksi iso sidosryhmä myös puolustusvoimat, johon yhteydenotto myös mahdollista

Comment about idea tree

We decided to comment on Sonar's blog post about their idea tree:

"You have found very good key point and your tree is very clear! It's good that the main points are simple and there are not too many items."

Most interesting peer group blog

KleenU X220, blog looks sleek and well made also the tree on the background is a nice touch. The most interesting thing on the blog however, is their secondary research. This article describes how using soap to wash your hands actually increases the amount of bacteria in your hands, when compared to only washing your hands with soap. The article itself is interesting and actually relates nicely to the subject of the project.

Memo of PO meeting

We met our PO at the Ursuit’s factory. First we introduced ourselves shortly and told our course’s timetable etc. Then PO, marketing manager and financial manager told us little about the company and also presented some of its products, for example different suit models.

After shirt introduction by the PO, we took a tour in Ursuit’s factory. We got to see the actual process behind the products, and also get some interesting information about the suits and how they are made. We also heard some issues which should be fixed, so the process in the factory could flow more efficiently.

After the tour, we discussed more about the actual project and the expectations from PO to us and vice versa. We also talked about the best ways to be in contact with PO and other managers, and tentatively we decided that we would create Whatsapp-group between our project manager Heikki, PO, marketing manager, financial manager, project manager and product development engineer, and also send a brief summary what we have done weekly by email.

The meeting gave us a lot more information about the company and the process behind the products. Still we got quite carte blanche about how we are going to execute this project. 

tiistai 8. marraskuuta 2016

Rules of the group

Rules of the group
  1. Be present (as best you can)
  2. Make sure you do your share of the work well
  3. Help others if required
  4. Be open to suggestions from others
  5. Act accordingly, especially towards the project owners
  6. Actively communicate
  7. Keep to the schedule
  8. Respect others and their opinions
  9. Always remember: Positive Attitude
  10. Keep to the budget

perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2016

Introduction: project members

Heikki Ojanen

Age: 25-years old

Study field: I study business economics with jurisprudence on main subject.

Interests: At the time many hobbies: I play clarinet on Turku university's symphony orchestra, do light set decoration on Turku university's theatre. On the spare time I do jogging and play guitar.

Expectations for the course: I have really high expectations for the course, it seems very practical and the company that we're working for is also interesting.

Strengths: My strengths concerning this project are good group working skills and management skills. I'm always on time and always try my best:)

Previous work experience:I have worked about 3-4 years as a salesperson, marketing manager in our orchestra, helped in theatre of Lohja on the lights...

Slogan: Be positive and do Your best!

Henri Tamminen

Age: 23

Study field: Process and material engineering

Interests: Football, floorball, ice-hockey

Expectations for the course: New challenges and get more experience about the project

Strengths: Quick learner, social, always trying my best, try to help others as much as I can

Weaknesses: Losing my motivation

Previous work experience: I have worked with kids, I was a coach on football team. I have also been a salesman. I have recently worked in construction business by making roofs and air conditioning

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12227215_10206725235267983_2988282159657828374_n.jpg?oh=4995d0586f1e5796bebc3777f6e494d7&oe=5890CEB7Anni Vakkuri

Age 22

Study field: Business, major in jurisprudence

Interests/hobbies: athletics and CrossFit

Expectations for the course: To get more practical experience working with companies and in projects

Strengths: I have a good communication skills and I am hard worker and trustworthy

Weaknesses: Sometimes I take some things too seriously (when there probably isn't any need) and get stresses quite easily

Previous work experience: I have worked as a salesperson in different stores and also as a cashier in a bank. I have also had a lot of work experiences throughout different school and work projects

Noora Vanhanen

Age 24

Study field: Business, major in marketing

Interests: Travelling, cultural activities and sports

Expectations for the course: To get more practical experience. I am looking forward to work for a real company

Strengths: Creativity and good language and communication skills

Weaknesses: I get stressed quite easily

Previous work experience: I have worked in a multicultural environment at school and at work. I have done an internship in Italy and a student exchange in the Netherlands. I also worked for a cruise line company for three years so I have quite a lot of experience about customer service.

Eemeli Miettinen

Age: 21

Field of study: Process and material engineering

Interests: The general wasting of time via. computer games, books.etc

Expectations for the course: I do not currently possess any pressing concerns or expectations for the future of this course

Strengths: Information recovery, planning, general knowledge, superb English skills, "I do what people tell me to do..."

Weaknesses: "...Which often leads to me not doing things when I'm not told to do something", general laziness

Slogan: "Do I need to have a slogan...?"

Kimmo Kankare

Age: 23

Study field: Studying in information and communication technology, electronics

Interest: Purposely getting lost in the forest, volunteer fire department, regularly inactive sports

Expectations for the course: Complete product or concept to company, teamwork goes well, new challenges, new skills and knowledge

Strengths: Staying calm while inside may explode, good listener

Weaknesses: Perfectionism, losing motivation upon time

Previous work experience: From different kind of electronic installations, mainly on ships

Slogan: "Just because my is different, doesn't mean I'm lost"

Jutta Tammelin

Age: 22 years old

Study field: business student and my major is jurisprudence

Interests/hobbies: In my free time I spent lot of time with my family and friends. I also go to the gym at least three times a week and I try to live sporty lifestyle overall. Main things in life I am interested in right now are for example sports, animals, healthy lifestyle and decoration.

Strengths: I am fast to learn new things and I am ambitious. I am also exact and I do everything on time, that is matter of honor to me and quite my trade mark already

Weaknesses: Impulsiveness

Previous work experience: Along with school I am working for TOK as a sales person. I have been there over four years now, but I still really enjoy doing my work. In the future I would like to work in TOK as manager, in court or in legal advice office. Someday in the future I would also want to apply to University to study law even more.

Pasi Laaksonen

Age: 25

Study field: Process and material engineering

Interests: Computer gaming

Expectations for the course: New challenges and possibly hints to the working life of the future

Strengths: Doing given tasks beforehand, information retrieval, listening skills

Weaknesses: Improvisation, English and other foreign languages, working under pressure

Previous work experience: few projects and practical training on the field

Perttu Jonsson

Age 22

Study field: Process and material engineering

Interests: During my free time I play computer games and watch movies. My hobbies are golf during summer and badminton.

Expectations: The course will be challenging and rewarding.

Strengths: Good listener, always on time, do tasks within given timeline.

Weaknesses: Shy to share own ideas, hate doing presentations.

Previous work experience: I have done many other group works and know how to act with others. Always ready to try do new 

Katharina Jagenteufel

Age 23

Study field: industrial engineering

Interests: travelling, climbing, basketball, reading

Expectations for the course: I'd like to get an insight into finnish economy and, even though I won't be here until the end of the project, I hope for it to turn out great.

Strengths: I'm a hard-working person and like taking up new challenges.

Weaknesses: I get really nervous when talking in front of big audiences.

Previous work experience: Since I was 15 years old I have worked during summer holidays. Therefore, my experiences include different departments, i.e. IT, quality management and purchasing.

Slogan: Life is beautiful, just live it.