perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2016

Introduction: project members

Heikki Ojanen

Age: 25-years old

Study field: I study business economics with jurisprudence on main subject.

Interests: At the time many hobbies: I play clarinet on Turku university's symphony orchestra, do light set decoration on Turku university's theatre. On the spare time I do jogging and play guitar.

Expectations for the course: I have really high expectations for the course, it seems very practical and the company that we're working for is also interesting.

Strengths: My strengths concerning this project are good group working skills and management skills. I'm always on time and always try my best:)

Previous work experience:I have worked about 3-4 years as a salesperson, marketing manager in our orchestra, helped in theatre of Lohja on the lights...

Slogan: Be positive and do Your best!

Henri Tamminen

Age: 23

Study field: Process and material engineering

Interests: Football, floorball, ice-hockey

Expectations for the course: New challenges and get more experience about the project

Strengths: Quick learner, social, always trying my best, try to help others as much as I can

Weaknesses: Losing my motivation

Previous work experience: I have worked with kids, I was a coach on football team. I have also been a salesman. I have recently worked in construction business by making roofs and air conditioning Vakkuri

Age 22

Study field: Business, major in jurisprudence

Interests/hobbies: athletics and CrossFit

Expectations for the course: To get more practical experience working with companies and in projects

Strengths: I have a good communication skills and I am hard worker and trustworthy

Weaknesses: Sometimes I take some things too seriously (when there probably isn't any need) and get stresses quite easily

Previous work experience: I have worked as a salesperson in different stores and also as a cashier in a bank. I have also had a lot of work experiences throughout different school and work projects

Noora Vanhanen

Age 24

Study field: Business, major in marketing

Interests: Travelling, cultural activities and sports

Expectations for the course: To get more practical experience. I am looking forward to work for a real company

Strengths: Creativity and good language and communication skills

Weaknesses: I get stressed quite easily

Previous work experience: I have worked in a multicultural environment at school and at work. I have done an internship in Italy and a student exchange in the Netherlands. I also worked for a cruise line company for three years so I have quite a lot of experience about customer service.

Eemeli Miettinen

Age: 21

Field of study: Process and material engineering

Interests: The general wasting of time via. computer games, books.etc

Expectations for the course: I do not currently possess any pressing concerns or expectations for the future of this course

Strengths: Information recovery, planning, general knowledge, superb English skills, "I do what people tell me to do..."

Weaknesses: "...Which often leads to me not doing things when I'm not told to do something", general laziness

Slogan: "Do I need to have a slogan...?"

Kimmo Kankare

Age: 23

Study field: Studying in information and communication technology, electronics

Interest: Purposely getting lost in the forest, volunteer fire department, regularly inactive sports

Expectations for the course: Complete product or concept to company, teamwork goes well, new challenges, new skills and knowledge

Strengths: Staying calm while inside may explode, good listener

Weaknesses: Perfectionism, losing motivation upon time

Previous work experience: From different kind of electronic installations, mainly on ships

Slogan: "Just because my is different, doesn't mean I'm lost"

Jutta Tammelin

Age: 22 years old

Study field: business student and my major is jurisprudence

Interests/hobbies: In my free time I spent lot of time with my family and friends. I also go to the gym at least three times a week and I try to live sporty lifestyle overall. Main things in life I am interested in right now are for example sports, animals, healthy lifestyle and decoration.

Strengths: I am fast to learn new things and I am ambitious. I am also exact and I do everything on time, that is matter of honor to me and quite my trade mark already

Weaknesses: Impulsiveness

Previous work experience: Along with school I am working for TOK as a sales person. I have been there over four years now, but I still really enjoy doing my work. In the future I would like to work in TOK as manager, in court or in legal advice office. Someday in the future I would also want to apply to University to study law even more.

Pasi Laaksonen

Age: 25

Study field: Process and material engineering

Interests: Computer gaming

Expectations for the course: New challenges and possibly hints to the working life of the future

Strengths: Doing given tasks beforehand, information retrieval, listening skills

Weaknesses: Improvisation, English and other foreign languages, working under pressure

Previous work experience: few projects and practical training on the field

Perttu Jonsson

Age 22

Study field: Process and material engineering

Interests: During my free time I play computer games and watch movies. My hobbies are golf during summer and badminton.

Expectations: The course will be challenging and rewarding.

Strengths: Good listener, always on time, do tasks within given timeline.

Weaknesses: Shy to share own ideas, hate doing presentations.

Previous work experience: I have done many other group works and know how to act with others. Always ready to try do new 

Katharina Jagenteufel

Age 23

Study field: industrial engineering

Interests: travelling, climbing, basketball, reading

Expectations for the course: I'd like to get an insight into finnish economy and, even though I won't be here until the end of the project, I hope for it to turn out great.

Strengths: I'm a hard-working person and like taking up new challenges.

Weaknesses: I get really nervous when talking in front of big audiences.

Previous work experience: Since I was 15 years old I have worked during summer holidays. Therefore, my experiences include different departments, i.e. IT, quality management and purchasing.

Slogan: Life is beautiful, just live it.

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